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Love this scrap book page and the colours you have used!!! Thanks for making all the sketches for TSOT its a shame I was only able to do this weeks.

I think that apple fell right next to that tree!!! LOL She is so dang cute! Go figure? You ever going to chat again????

Great page! Sadly, my lappy that had MDS installed on it CRASHED last summer...some nasty virus or something. Now my desktop is on its last legs. I will get ONE Of them in ship shape soon so I can get back to MDS! By the way, I'm hosting a scrapping challenge for the month of February on my blog. No pressure, just a way to inspire scrappers to get some pages done. There are link ups to each day too! You are officially invited!

What a cutie-pie! Who does your daughter get her "sassy"ness from? Hmmmmm, her mother maybe.:)

Fantastic page Jenn! Your daughter is sooooooo cute!!!!!I need to play with MDS just never get the chance! Hope to catch up soon on skype!!!

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Hi and welcome, I'm Jenn Picard and this is my little piece of the internet where I like to share my creative projects and ramblings about all things related to paper crafting. I may even occasionally share a bit about my everyday life. My hope is I can help inspire you to take a little time to get creative and maybe even a little inky! The items on this blog including photographs and project ideas are for your personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy or submit my work as your own to any publication or contest entry. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Artisan Design Team 2019

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