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I really do love the CAS style so this card really speaks to me! And, I am also one of those who has a list of "must haves" and then when I buy one off the list...it doesn't get used often enough! Great idea to use the itty bitty circle to punch out of the Tasteful Trim border. Adds a fun touch for sure! Hope you have a great weekend!

Up, Up and Away with the CUTENESS! Jenn, I love everything about this one! The circles, the texture, the fabulous design...wowza! My birthday isn't for a few months, but if you want to stash this one away...lol!! This is one of my most "under-utilized" sets, as well. But afterseeing this beauty, I am completely inspired! Hope you had a fun weekend! Hugs! :)

This is so pretty! Fabulous CAS design. I love the balloons! Awesome!

What a clever punch treatment on the scallops, love it! You've really highlighted how pretty these colors are together and I love all your texture! Hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family!

I LOVE it, Jenn! It is clean and fun! I love the texture and the fabulous border treatment!

I love this color combination, but wouldn't think of it as "festive"--til I saw your card! Very happy and upbeat!

Cute Fun Card. I bought this stamp set and still have not used it. I really love the layout you used. This was some great colors this week!!


How fun is this! I just love what you've done with this cute set and the way you made that VERY cool scalloped border! I think I will need to try that myself!

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Hi and welcome, I'm Jenn Picard and this is my little piece of the internet where I like to share my creative projects and ramblings about all things related to paper crafting. I may even occasionally share a bit about my everyday life. My hope is I can help inspire you to take a little time to get creative and maybe even a little inky! The items on this blog including photographs and project ideas are for your personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy or submit my work as your own to any publication or contest entry. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Artisan Design Team 2019

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