I saw this video last night that a friend of mine posted to Facebook (thanks Angela!) and I just sat and listened to it several times over. It made me reflect on how now more then ever the importance of teaching my children the significance of November 11th. And to be thankful every day through out the year for the freedoms that we have because of those who served and continue to serve their country.
I know that this isn't my typical "crafty" post but this day is even more important to me personally because of the connection I had with my late grandfather. He fought for the freedoms of our country in the second world war and some of my best childhood memories were of him telling me stories about his experience and showing me his uniform and medals. Up until he became very ill, he would march in the Rememberance Day ceremonies in Victoria. Still as proud as ever to dawn his uniform and medals. He passed away June of 2004 and I still miss him every day, but I am so glad I have wonderful memories of the amazing man he was:)
My aunt had posted this picture of him on facebook, so right away I knew I need to create a page using MDS2. This way I can share those childhood memories with my children and be even more grateful for the world we live in today -although by no means is it perfect it could be so much worst if it wasn't for those who are still dedicated to serving to protect our freedoms.

Great post! They showed this video at our school assembly and I was so glad. I had my husband watch it later that night...it's good.
Posted by: Laurie LaRose | 11/17/2012 at 01:06 PM