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Love what you did with that adorable printable! My SC username is alone_inacrowdedroom.

I am so in love with this October kit! My username is theindigoshelf. =)

Love your take on using the printable!!!! (3littleks)

love what you did with the printable - thanks for the chance to win - user name nina chow

Woo hoo! Love the poster and all the contests! sC username laurakates

Embellishments inspire me! Thanks for the contest! My SC name is Marty85

Also my sc username is chancejordan1 :)

I love how you made the printable a card! I must do that! So perfect :)

Thanks for the giveaway! I like how these kits are challenging me to do some different things. SC username Penny

New to project life, thanks for the idea to print the download as a PL card! username: jeunesse

Love your card!! Thanks for the chance to win the kit!

beautiful work I like the kits

Thanks for much for the chance to win! SC: christy arthur

good stuff, your cards are great.

sc username: atreece

Lovely card!

I do ADORE autumn colors too, and the Underground kit is just perfect for that!
Thanks for the great chance to win!
My SC Username is cristybacchi89

Beautiful card! Thank you for the chance to win!) SC username: moi_edinorozhka

I love fall colors and SC kits , especially the seals , are super inspiring ! thanks for the opportunity , my name is anixu SC . a thousand kisses

the creative team outdid itself with this kit! thanks for the chance - scid joyfull

I am always inspired by the talented ladies that post their work to gallery at Studio Calico. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Thank you so much for a chance to win this great kit!

Thanks for the giveaway! My SC username is memoriesymanda

Thank you so much for the giveaway, my sc user name is goldenblind221. :)

Acckk! my user name has been changed to : itsme


craftycsj is my username, thanks for the chance to win!

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Hi and welcome, I'm Jenn Picard and this is my little piece of the internet where I like to share my creative projects and ramblings about all things related to paper crafting. I may even occasionally share a bit about my everyday life. My hope is I can help inspire you to take a little time to get creative and maybe even a little inky! The items on this blog including photographs and project ideas are for your personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy or submit my work as your own to any publication or contest entry. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Artisan Design Team 2019

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