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Oh Jennifer! These projects are vitaminized! So many colors and tips, it's great! I like the last card, we think to watch the Hi-fi ^^

I love the rainbow!
He makes always a good mood!

Oh my goodness Jennifer you completely nailed the brief for this hop. Four amazingly bright fun projects and all of your tips are so clever, my favourite is spritzing the cardstock after you've coloured it with markers. Genius

Oh my goodness! You've knocked this set right out of the park!!! Thanks for sharing your fab creations!!

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Hi and welcome, I'm Jenn Picard and this is my little piece of the internet where I like to share my creative projects and ramblings about all things related to paper crafting. I may even occasionally share a bit about my everyday life. My hope is I can help inspire you to take a little time to get creative and maybe even a little inky! The items on this blog including photographs and project ideas are for your personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy or submit my work as your own to any publication or contest entry. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
Artisan Design Team 2019

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